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When and When Not to Use Redirects on Your Wix Website

Managing redirects is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and user-friendly website, especially after making changes like removing outdated content or fixing broken links. Properly handling redirects ensures that your site visitors have a seamless experience and that your site's SEO remains strong. In this post, we’ll delve into when and when not to use redirects on your Wix website.

Understanding Redirects

A redirect is a way to send both users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested. The most common type of redirect is a 301 redirect, which indicates that a page has permanently moved to a new location. Proper use of redirects helps preserve the value of inbound links, maintains user experience, and ensures search engine rankings are not negatively impacted.

When to Use Redirects

1. Content Updates and Mergers


  • Outdated Blog Posts: If you have older blog posts that are still getting traffic but contain outdated information, you can merge them with newer, updated posts. Use a 301 redirect to send users from the old post to the new, comprehensive post.

  • Consolidated Pages: If you combine multiple pages with similar content into a single, more valuable page, set up redirects from the old URLs to the new one.

2. Rebranding or URL Changes


  • Domain Changes: If you change your domain name or move your site to a new domain, you should set up 301 redirects from the old domain to the new one to preserve SEO value and ensure users can still find your content.

  • URL Structure Updates: If you update your URL structure for better SEO or usability, set up redirects from the old URLs to the new URLs.

3. Fixing Broken Links


  • Removed Content: If you remove outdated or irrelevant content but similar content exists elsewhere on your site, use a 301 redirect to send users to the relevant page. For instance, if you remove an old product page but have a similar product, redirect the old page to the new product page.

4. Managing Seasonal or Limited-Time Offers


  • Expired Promotions: If you have a page for a limited-time offer or a seasonal promotion that has ended, redirect it to a similar ongoing offer or to a related category page to retain traffic and guide users to relevant content.

When Not to Use Redirects

1. Non-Valuable Content


  • Low-Quality Pages: If you remove content that did not perform well or had little value, it’s better to let these URLs return a 404 error. This indicates to search engines that the content no longer exists and prevents the dilution of link equity.

2. Avoid Redirect Chains and Loops


  • Multiple Redirects: Redirect chains (where one URL redirects to another, which then redirects again) and redirect loops (where URL A redirects to URL B, which redirects back to URL A) can cause confusion for users and search engines. Always redirect directly to the final destination URL.

3. Temporary Content Changes


  • Temporary Outages: If a page is temporarily unavailable (e.g., under maintenance), consider using a 503 status code instead of a redirect. This informs search engines that the outage is temporary, and they should return later to crawl the page.

4. Non-Equivalent Content


  • Irrelevant Redirection: Avoid redirecting users to content that is not related to their original request. For example, don’t redirect a removed blog post to the homepage if there is no relevant content there. This can frustrate users and negatively impact your bounce rate.

Best Practices for Implementing Redirects

Use 301 Redirects for Permanent Moves

  • SEO-Friendly: A 301 redirect passes about 90-99% of link equity (ranking power) to the redirected page, which is important for maintaining SEO rankings.

Regularly Monitor Redirects

  • Audit Redirects: Regularly use tools like Screaming Frog or Google Search Console to audit your redirects and ensure there are no broken redirects, chains, or loops.

Inform Users

  • User Experience: Ensure that users are aware of changes. If you remove popular content, consider adding a notice on the 404 page or provide suggestions for related content.

Redirects are a powerful tool for managing the user experience and maintaining SEO health on your Wix website. By understanding when and when not to use them, you can ensure that your site remains user-friendly and continues to perform well in search engine rankings. Always use redirects judiciously, keep your links updated, and regularly audit your site to catch and fix any issues.

Need Help with Website Design and SEO?

If you need assistance with managing your website design and SEO, WIXCreate can help. Our team of experts specializes in creating stunning, optimized websites that perform well in search engines. Whether you need help with setting up redirects, improving your site's SEO, or designing a user-friendly interface, we've got you covered. Contact WIXCreate today to take your website to the next level!



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