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Create a Custom Calculator on Your Wix Website with Wix Velo

Adding a custom calculator to your Wix website is a powerful way to enhance user interaction and provide real-time estimates or pricing based on user inputs. Using Wix Velo, Wix’s full-stack development platform, you can build calculators tailored to your specific business needs, whether you’re offering services, managing bookings, or helping clients make informed decisions.

Why Add a Custom Calculator to Your Wix Site?

A custom calculator can serve a variety of purposes, including:

  • Instant Quotes: Provide users with immediate price estimates for services.

  • Enhanced User Experience: Offer a more interactive and personalized experience by allowing users to input their specific needs.

  • Increased Conversions: By giving users the information they need right away, you can help them make quicker decisions, leading to higher conversion rates.

  • Simplified Processes: Automate calculations that would otherwise require manual work, saving time for both you and your users.

Building a Custom Calculator with Wix Velo

Wix Velo allows you to add custom JavaScript code to your site to perform calculations based on user inputs. You can create calculators that dynamically update as users interact with your site.

Steps to Build a Calculator:
  1. Identify the Variables: Determine the inputs your users will provide, such as area size, session duration, or service type.

  2. Set Up the Input Elements: Use Wix Editor to add text boxes, dropdowns, or checkboxes for user input.

  3. Write the Calculation Logic: Implement the logic using JavaScript in Wix Velo. This code will process the user inputs and calculate the result.

  4. Display the Result: Use a text element to show the calculated result in real time.

  5. Test and Optimize: Make sure the calculator works correctly with different inputs and is easy to use.

Example 1: Cleaning Service Calculator

Let’s start with a practical example—a calculator for a cleaning company. This tool allows potential customers to estimate the cost of cleaning services based on the size of the area, the type of cleaning required, and any additional services they might need.

Example Implementation:

  • Set Up Input Fields:

    • Area Size Input: A field for the user to enter the size of the area to be cleaned.

    • Type of Cleaning Dropdown: Options like “Standard” or “Deep Cleaning.”

    • Additional Services Checkboxes: Options for add-ons like window cleaning or carpet cleaning.

  • Calculation Logic:

let baseRate = 0.10; // Cost per square foot
let areaSize = $w("#areaSizeInput").value;
let cleaningTypeFactor = $w("#cleaningTypeDropdown").value === "Deep Cleaning" ? 1.5 : 1;
let windowCleaningCost = $w("#windowCleaningCheckbox").checked ? 50 : 0;
let carpetCleaningCost = $w("#carpetCleaningCheckbox").checked ? 75 : 0;

let totalCost = (baseRate * areaSize * cleaningTypeFactor) + windowCleaningCost + carpetCleaningCost;
$w("#totalCostText").text = "Total Cleaning Cost: $" + totalCost.toFixed(2);

  • Display the Total Cost: The result updates in real-time as the user adjusts their inputs, showing them the total cost of their selected cleaning services.

This calculator helps potential customers get a clear, instant estimate of what their cleaning service will cost, which can encourage them to book your service.

Example 2: Consultation Service Duration and Cost Calculator

For professionals offering consultation services, such as legal advice, financial planning, or coaching, a duration and cost calculator can simplify the booking process by allowing clients to estimate their fees based on the length of the session and the type of consultation.

Example Implementation:
  • Set Up Input Fields:

    • Session Duration Input: A dropdown or input field where users can select or enter the duration of the consultation (e.g., 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours).

    • Type of Consultation Dropdown: Options like “Standard,” “Specialized,” or “Premium.”

  • Calculation Logic:

let baseRatePerHour = 100; // Base rate per hour
let duration = $w("#durationDropdown").value; // Duration in hours
let consultationTypeFactor = $w("#consultationTypeDropdown").value === "Premium" ? 2 : ($w("#consultationTypeDropdown").value === "Specialized" ? 1.5 : 1);

let totalCost = baseRatePerHour * duration * consultationTypeFactor;
$w("#totalCostText").text = "Estimated Consultation Cost: $" + totalCost.toFixed(2);

  • Display the Total Cost: The calculator updates the cost dynamically based on the session duration and type of consultation selected by the user.

This consultation service calculator provides potential clients with a clear idea of the cost involved, making it easier for them to decide on booking a session. It also allows you to transparently communicate your pricing structure, helping to build trust with clients.


Using Wix Velo to add a custom calculator to your Wix website is a smart way to improve user engagement and streamline the decision-making process for your clients. Whether you’re offering cleaning services, consultations, or any other professional service, these calculators can significantly enhance the overall experience on your site.

By following the examples provided, you can easily implement calculators tailored to your specific business needs. These tools offer transparency and convenience to your users, and they also help boost your conversion rates by giving potential customers the information they need to make quick and informed decisions.

If you’re excited about the possibilities but unsure where to start, let WIXCreate take the lead. We’re here to design websites that not only meet your needs but exceed your expectations. Reach out to us today to see how we can transform your website into a dynamic, engaging platform that truly connects with your audience. With WIXCreate by your side, the power of Wix CMS Expressions is just the beginning!



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